During her appearance on the B-One Music show hosted by journalist Papy Mboma, celebrated Congolese singer Mbilia Bel shared her views on marriage. She commented that a beautiful woman might marry five or more times in her lifetime. Mbilia Bel highlighted that society undervalues daughters and often does not see them as a blessing.

Although she has been married twice, Mbilia Bel expressed that she is unlikely to marry as many times as she might advise for others. She cited her intolerance for men’s capricious nature as the primary reason. “Men are very capricious, I won’t be able to put up with them any longer,” she remarked.

She also praised Mrs. Hamida Chatur Kamerhe for her multiple marriages, viewing it as a testament to her strong character. “I was married twice, I couldn’t stand the whims of men. You have to have a big heart to put up with the whims of men,” Mbilia Bel added, reflecting on her own experiences in a statement that resonated with many.

Source; https://www.facebook.com/100050206581843/posts/1004382877911922/?app=fbl

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