In modern day society, it is no longer news to hear or see married men date other women.
This women are commonly known as side chicks.
Side chicks are women who are mostly in relationships that benefit them either socially or financially with married men.
According to motivational speaker Sam West,
“If you see a man with a one side chick. It’s just a matter of time before a man graduates to their side chicks.
A man who commits adultery is a fool.”
Here are the Do’s and Don’ts when you find out your man has a side chick.
Don’t call the side chick
Don’t start calling the side chick. Doing so might end up driving the man further way from you.
Love yourself
So many people are heartbroken because their love is directed towards one person.
Protect your peace of mind
Your mental state is important.
Avoid getting depressed because it is not worth it. Guard your heart.
Protect yourself sexually
It’s a polygamous situation hence it is important to use protection.
You can also take tests to rule out STI’s and STD’s.
Protect yourself financially
This can include freezing joint accounts, increasing on personal savings or staring personal projects.
Initiate a conversation
This conversation is to help your partner understand hos their behaviour is affecting you.
Involve a third party
These can include a counselor, a pastor or a trusted friend.
Activate deliverance prayers
Some husbands are stolen through witchcraft and other demonic forces.
Give a man time to discover himself
Don’t stress yourself.
By Mpasho