Health researchers are advising you to enjoy as much fermented milk as you can. But, according to a new study, they are warning you to limit your take of sausages, alcohol, salami and eggs.
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The study conducted at the Kenyatta National Hospital says fermented milk, including the traditional ‘mursik’, does not cause cancer of the large intestine, but the others pose a big risk.
Past studies have accused traditionally fermented milk for high rates of cancers of the digestive track, especially in the Rift Valley but a new study says the products may actually help against the disease.
Fermented milk has been associated with high presence of the bacteria Streptococcus infantarius (Sii) suspected to cause cancers of the digestive system.
However the study suggests fermented milk may interact with the suspect bacteria to protect consumers against tumours of the colon and rectum called colorectal cancer.
The team studied 413 adult individuals attending KNH for colon examination. The participants included groups with colorectal cancer, other colon problems and a comparison group which had healthy large intestines.
The authors now report that all types of fermented daily products do not cause colorectal cancer, in fact some like the commercial yoghurt was found to reduce the risk.
Traditional fermented milk such as the famous mursik of the Kalenjin, commercial sour milk such as the mala or lala were not associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. “In fact the consumption of commercial yoghurt showed a slightly but significant decrease risk of developing colorectal cancer,” says the study.
Also absolved from blame is the traditional sour cereal based porridge now a popular breakfast product in many urban healthy food restaurants. The product is also popular with the mobile ‘mama uji’ vendors to be found serving groups of workers in construction sites, boda boda and matatu pick up points.
The study, published last week, reports that the consumption of any type of sausages, that is from chicken, beef or pork, beef salami and eggs increases the risk to this cancer.
Colorectal cancer which affects the large intestines is the seventh most prevalent tumor among women and men in Kenya.
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The study appearing in the journal ‘Acta Tropica’ was carried out by a team from the University of Nairobi and prominent institutions from Switzerland, Germany, Ivory Coast and France.
The research funded by the University of Nairobi, UBS Optimus Foundation Switzerland and Wellcome Trust of the UK also recorded a small risk in white tea and coffee in development of colorectal cancer.
“Adding plain milk to tea or coffee showed slightly elevated risks for colorectal cancer whereas tea without milk and coffee without milk did not,” says the study but calls for more research on this finding.
The researchers investigated the kind of diets consumed by the study participants and concluded that processed meat, alcohol and smoking put one at highest risk of developing colorectal cancer. “Foods that were significantly associated with colorectal cancer in our study, were eggs, pork sausages and beef salami.”
Other foods found with potential risk towards colorectal cancer, the study says were chicken sausages, poultry with skin, processed meat, pork and roast beef. The team also identified alcohol consumption and smoking as major risk factors of developing colorectal cancer.
Other factors found to put Kenyans at an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer were being over 50 and being in close contact with livestock.
Past studies have linked traditionally fermented milk to the development of cancers of the digestive system including those of the throat or esophageal cancer.
Mursik, the traditional fermented milk of the Kalenjin has been recommended for its possible role in development of throat cancer.
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A 2013 study by Dr Kirtika Patel of the Moi University Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital reported throat tumours as the leading cancer in males at the facility. It was also the third after cancer of cervix and breast in females in all cancers reported at the facility.
The study has linked cigarette smoking, alcohol, cooking with charcoal and firewood, taking hot beverages and use of mursik to throat cancer. The authors suspected compounds found in charcoal powder used in processing mursik and some bacteria in the fermented milk to the development of throat cancer in consumers.
Other traditionally fermented milk products include the amabere amaruranu of the Kisii, kule naoto of the Maasai and the suusa from North Eastern Kenya.