“Going overseas kuhustle is an option, but I opted out because of my kid,” actor Kamau Tyler Mbaya aka Baha has said.

“That struggle is real. All my fans know how much I love my kid. If I say it is till my last breath, I will try everything to be close to my kid.”

“I saw my dad doing it and I saw the benefits and the disadvantages. Being close to your kid, especially at their tender age, is something you should fight for,” Baha added.

In regard to this, he has been told, your Presence as a Father is more valuable and important than the presents you give them. Very wise words from this gentleman. ‘being close to your kid, especially at their tender age is something you should fight for’.

a child can recognize you as his or her dad when young and being a present father , look at what happens when to deadbeat dad trying to convince an adult that you’re my child, he or she can even deny you infront of your face, kudos baha you’re a father figure. May all father’s who had left their daughters and sons read over these. Wise being a gentleman.

LINK: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=754872646784986&set=a.577160137889572&cft[0]=AZXe-yZCBaQwF8Vp6GX4reRH2UBM9SJiOMZrbXc8LtmJcTRSAK-16bcFe4Ntq9sbpaVUwOdLB8pv09YhCchMRuquM0zpfFrY5cc3JAY-MTCh643KSCu83ixGl1k_tOneK90cIdlhnQ-SfyULw679zqxFKSPXAmDp09D-VAaFAkDjcn6qCHe14qyWJCPyAAVD_mY7M3Rod2BV3qruJPaO3exg&tn=EH-R

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