Brenda Michelle, a Kenyan pet enthusiast with over 30 pets, has opened up about her passion for pets and her reason for collecting them. In an interview on Radio Maisha, she disclosed that she loves pets, comparing it to how some people cherish and collect cars.

“I collect my dogs the same way you people collect cars, it’s the same for me now with dogs and cats and whatever other thing I can get my hands on,” she said. When asked how much her pets cost, Brenda disclosed that her most prized dog is worth KSh 850,000, with the least expensive one costing her KSh 60,000.

This KSh 850,000 pet is a fully-grown male Chow Chow, imported from Russia, making it the crown jewel of her collection. ” It’s grown Chow Chow male, it looks like a bear, I got it from Russia,” she said in an interview on Radio Maisha.


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