The auction of Kenya’s 1325 cows has not only left a cold and harsh reality to country’s pastoralists but has created a huge debate as Kenyans and Tanzanians expressed their views over the incident.
The pastoralists living on the border, shadowed by the gigantic Mt Kilimanjaro said that they were facing drought and famine and were at a loss following the sale of their livelihoods.
The incident by Tanzania has seemingly created a diplomatic tiff as Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Ambs Amina Mohammed wrote a protest letter to Magafuli government saying that the action taken was extreme. ”Government’s come and go , but the people of our two nations will always be there….we need to talk to each other not at each other,” She exclaimed in her press briefing.
The scenario had been worsened by President Magufuli’s tough statement when he slammed the door on an agreeable solution between the two countries. ”Tanzania is not a grazing field for Kenyan cattle,” he said in his address.
Kenyans and Tanzanians online debated the cattle auction and arrest of some pastoralists as argument oscillated between state friendships, soft boundary and being true to the law of the land.
Rashid Abdi @RAbdiCG
Livelihood of Maasai & other pastoralists depend on soft borders. Magufuli’s brand of economic nationalism is reactionary. …
9:05 AM – Nov 9, 2017
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Salma Hussein Mie kama mkenya sioni ubaya wowote kwa raisi wa tanzania…kuupiga mnada hao ngombe maana si kila mmoja anao mipaka yake….. ( As a Kenyan I do not see any harm at all with the cattle auctioning…., )
Fedu Jolijo: Je waliwezaje kuwakamata nchini na si mpakani, pia walichukua hatua gani kwa maaskari maana walisema wazi kuwa zimepitia mpaka wanaoujua mfano vifaranga vya kuku? halafu kwa nini ng’ombe wauzwe inamaana wamiliki hawapo sheria iwachukulie hatua? (How did they capture them when they were country and not at the border? What action did they take against officers at border? Lastly why were the cattle sold ..the owners should have faced the law)
Billy™ @Crazy_Nairobian
MAGUFULI angekuwa deejay angekuwa anajiita Dj DeMagufuli alafu sound effect kwa intro ingekuwa “Even your dad likes Pombe…”
Naomi Mduma Ili kulinda “Ujirani na mahusiano ya Kiuchumi na Kibiashara”ni lazima ufumbie macho vitendo vya kiuvunjaji sheria?…. Na ni vema Kila mwananchi aelewe taratibu anazotakiwa kufuata kabla hajaanzisha mradi” (Good neighbours and Economic Relations?. Should we overlook the law as is? At one point, we need to realize that it’s time we follow the law… It’s good Every citizen understands the procedures he or she should follow before starting his project” )
Jeff Langat: Mimi ni Mkenya, na ninajua Raisi Magufuli hatupendi lakini kwa hili suala la wafugaji na mifugo kutoka Kenya, nadhani ako sawa sana. (I am a Kenyan, and I know President Magufuli do not like us, but for this matter on the herdsmen and cattle from Kenya, I think he did right thing )
Let_Taxes_Decide @Tax_B_Voluntary
Replying to @ntvkenya
Instead of castigating Magufuli the govt machinery should try understand the message he is trying to send and act appropriately. Burning chickens and selling cows isn’t the message he is sending.let’s not ask what but why he is doing so
The auction of the cattle coming a few days after Tanzanian officials impounded and set ablaze 6000 chicks over what they claimed were efforts to curb spread of animal disease.