Few days ago popular Kikuyu content creator Brian Chira died in a hit and run road accident, which left many shocked. The TikTok family decided to give him a good send-off where they raised more than eight million shillings to cater for his burial. The burial was extraordinary because because it attracted both popular and unpopular Kenyans and it didn’t follow the normal order of burial ceremonies.
Later Nation media went back to the village to speak with the villagers and elders who shared their experience of how the youths buried one of their own. According to the villagers, they didn’t like how the youths had dressed, how they smocked openly and how they were taking alcohol Infront of them. They went ahead and said the young people didn’t even respect the clergy.
The most serious thing they did was that they failed to respect the Kikuyu traditions such as urinating everywhere, they stepped on the grave which is a taboo, they danced around the grave, they drank and poured alcohol on the gravesite which is not allowed. They made it clear that they were left wondering how the young people will raise their children because all their mind is revolving around fame.
By Newshub