Abby and Brittany Hensel, who documented their lives in a TLC reality series, have transitioned from a duo to a trio.
Abby, the left-side conjoined twin, married Josh Bowling, a nurse and United States Army veteran, in 2021. They live in Minnesota, where the Hensel twins were born and raised.
Abby and Brittany, 34, have been living private lives since their 8-episode show “Abby & Brittany” aired in 2012. But it’s been a happy life for them in Minnesota, where they were born and raised.
According to the TODAY Show, which obtained marriage records for the spouses, the sisters are both fifth-grade teachers in their home state.
Abby Hensel from TLC reality series “Abby & Brittany” married her husband Josh Bowling in 2021.
Abby and Josh kept their marriage under wraps from the public eye until 2023, when they shared photos of the wedding ceremony on their TikTok, @abbyandbrittanyhensel. A wedding guest’s resurfaced clip revealed an intimate moment from the lovebird’s wedding on Facebook.
By Nypost