Disney is being sued by a singer who claims one of his songs was ripped off for the Frozen smash hit Let It Go.
The singer, Jaime Ciero, is also suing Idina Menzel and Demi Lovato who also performed the track, according to TMZ.
He claims his song Volar — or ‘fly’ in Spanish — was the basis for the lead track for the 2013 animated global phenomenon.
e recorded his song in 2008 and claims it was played globally.
He said the original was ‘a huge international success reaching millions of listeners and landing on numerous charts of the most popular, top-performing songs.’
In his filing, he claims there are clear similarities in the note combinations, structures, hooks, melodies, lyrics, themes, production and textures.
Demi Lovato
He is seeking a share of the movie’s profits, which happens to be one of the highest grossing of all time; making almost $1.3billion at the box office off its $150million budget.
Frozen was written by husband and wife team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez.
Although Volar got a three year head start on YouTube, it hasn’t quite reached the same audience of Let It Go yet.
The former now has 14,717 views, the latter 1,249,399,612 views.
Let It Go won frozen one of its two Academy Awards in 2014, for Best Original Song, the other being Best Animated Feature.
Co-writer Robert Lopez is the youngest — and the quickest — of only 12 people to have ever achieved the EGOT, nabbing an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award in the space of just ten years.