There was a moment of drama when two senior police officers were found red-handed planning to steal millions of money in Busia. As per the latest updates shared by a well-known source this hour and at the same time circulating on social media, it has been revealed that the dramatic scene was witnessed when detectives traced some men who were planning to steal Ksh2 million from one businessman who works with a nonprofit organization in the country.
It has emerged that before the two senior police officers were arrested in Busia, they were inside a Subaru, and they were asked to surrender, but they refused. This forced the detectives to call for more backup, and as a result, the suspects were apprehended. Later, police officers recovered Ksh 500,000 from the suspects. Currently, the said senior police officers; a police inspector and a corporal are in custody, helping police officers with investigations. In the incident, detectives arrested four people including the said officers.
It is alleged that they were planning to convert the said amount of money to Ugandan shillings, but they were arrested. The owner, who is also a foreigner, a German nationalist, confirmed to police officers that it was not two million but Ksh 2.6 million.
This just came in after similar cases of police officers being arrested after engaging in crime activities have been reported in the country in the past few months. Meanwhile, all Kenyans are encouraged to report rogue and corrupt police officers to EACC or any relevant places.