A shocking incident unfolded on Tuesday morning at the South B Hospital in Nairobi, where a 72-year-old man shot himself dead in front of the emergency wing.
The man, identified as Abdalla Mohamed, was a licensed gun holder who had hired a taxi to take him to the hospital. According to the taxi driver, Mohamed had visited his lawyer before boarding the vehicle and seemed calm and composed.
However, as they approached the hospital gate, Mohamed suddenly pulled out a Berreta Pistol from his jacket and fired a single shot at his chin. The bullet pierced through his skull and exited from the top of his head, killing him instantly.
The taxi driver, who was shocked and terrified by the incident, alerted the security guards and the hospital staff, who rushed to the scene. They found Mohamed’s lifeless body slumped on the back seat, with blood splattered all over the car and the ground.
The motive behind Mohamed’s suicide is still unclear, as he did not leave any note or message. His lawyer, who declined to reveal his name, said that Mohamed had consulted him about some personal and financial matters, but did not show any signs of distress or depression.
The police have launched an investigation into the incident and are trying to establish if Mohamed had any history of mental illness or criminal activity. They have also contacted his family and friends to gather more information about his background and personality.
May his soul rest in peace.