Kenyans can now smile as government plans to distribute free gas cylinders and two-burner low pressure table top cookers, under the government’s plan to promote the use of clean cooking energy.
While addressing the media in his office, Industrialization cabinet secretary Hon: Moses Kuria said the government has renewed plan to equip poor households with the free cooking gases equipment to enable them to cook with a clean energy.
“This is to enable them abandon kerosene and wood which are dirty fuel and start using LPG given that we shall have eliminated the main barrier, which is the initial cost of buying a cylinder and cooker.” Moses Kuria said.
Moses Kuria’s statements comes days after a similar scheme failed to take off amid claims of substandard cylinders supply and resale of the subsidised gadgets at market rates.
Under the new scheme, the 6-Kg cylinder will now be metered and registered to a specific individual who will get refills when the gas is almost depleted given the consumption is digitally monitored.