A lady identified as Sarah Irara narrated her story in an interview with Lynn Ngugi on how she persevered an abusive relationship thinking things would change only to be left by the man weeks to their wedding.


Sarah revealed that the man approached him first claiming that he had a vision from God that she was meant for him. Being a staunch Christian and of age to get married, Sarah accepted him without thinking twice about it.

After some time they decided to plan to marry each other by visiting their parents, informing church leaders and doing a HIV test. However, the man decided that he didn’t want her the moment they started planning for their wedding.

“We visited my parents and his parents. We had already seen my bishop, so we were sent to the church board to test HIV. But right when we started the committee to plan the wedding he decided to back down and leave me,” Sarah said.

She went further to state that she didn’t have any problem with being left but she feels the man would have done it in a better way. Instead of handling the issue like an adult, he insulted her all the time. That he used to say that Sarah was too ugly for him to marry.

Sarah said, “That man used to insult me so much. Like one time we met and all he did was insult me for a whole hour…he started talking behind my back that he cannot marry somebody who is ugly like me. He was not working so I used to give him money for food and bus fare then he would go out to brag that I loved him too much so I was paying him to marry me.”

Sarah was depressed when the relationship ended, cried for some weeks but later on moved on and decided to concentrate on serving God and her work.

When she relocated to the US, she met a mzungu man by the name Gregory Dreyden in church. She played hard to get at first because she was in another relationship but not long after that she broke up with the boyfriend. She decided to give Gregory a chance and two months later they got married. They have been together for the past 12 years and she says she is still happily in love.


According to Sarah, giving Gregory a chance is the best decision she ever made because she doubts any other man would treat her well like he does. She advised people to only get married when they are in love because according to her that’s the only thing that can keep a marriage.

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