We start at the ghetto where we first meet our poor boy Junior who is terribly mad after the devastating news about Trisha being behind his late mother’s death, was first revealed to him. He can be seen throwing stones around in anger as Amelia follows him trying to calm him down.

Amelia begs him to listen for one bit but Junior blasts her saying she should stop pushing him to disrespect her and just go back, but Amelia says she can’t. Junior tells her that nothing she says would change how he feels about the fact that Trisha murdered her mother in cold blood, and Sanchez knew the truth the whole time but never revealed it to him.

Amelia begs him saying she too loved Amelia just like her own sister and Sanchez is a good boy so Junior should find it in his heart to forgive him. Junior retorts back at Amelia saying he can’t believe Amelia is taking Sanchez’s side when he refused to speak up because he was afraid.

Amelia goes on to say what is done is already done because she too felt the same way Junior is feeling when she first heard the news, but Junior says it can’t be same for him at all. Amelia tells Junior he takes both him and Sanchez as his two beloved sons and would hate to see the two of them drift apart the way they are trying to do.

Junior tells her Martha was everything to him and didn’t deserve to die the way she did and goes on to hug Amelia passionately crying bitterly. Amelia tells him she knows how it feels and encourages Junior to let it all out. Suddenly Junior stops from embracing Amelia and tells her Sanchez had every opportunity to stop her from dying and asks why he couldn’t do it!?

Amelia begs Junior to calm down as the good thing is that the truth is finally out, but Junior blasts her saying the truth won’t bring her mother back to life at all and hurriedly sets out to leave, Amelia helplessly calling him to no avail.

She asks him where he is going and what he is going to do and he says he doesn’t know but all he knows is that Trisha will pay dearly for her atrocities.

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