Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu encountered bedtime struggles with her children, Samuel Muchoki Jr. and Taraya Wairimu, this Sunday night. Despite Nyamu’s pleas, the kids, wide awake past midnight, insisted on sleeping in their mother’s bed, recounting moments they had bonded with their father, Samidoh, unaware of the late hour.
Photo Courtesy of Samidoh, Karen Nyamu and their two kids for Illustration purposes only
In Instagram videos, Nyamu showcased the adorable scene unfolding in her bedroom well past 1 a.m. The children, Sammy Jr. and Taraya, resisted attempts to persuade them to sleep in their room. Nyamu appealed to their sense of responsibility, reminding them of school the next day, but her requests went unheeded. Even the nanny’s offer of chocolate failed to entice them.
Amidst the bedtime standoff, the children threatened to report Nyamu to their father, Samidoh, for not allowing them to sleep in her bed. Sammy Jr. and Wairimu shared details of the quality time spent with their father, recalling moments like being fed and showered slowly.
In a separate Instagram story, Nyamu and Samidoh accompanied their daughter, Wairimu, on her first day of school. The senator documented the day, featuring a flashy car ride with Samidoh, during which their daughter eagerly called him “Papa.” The videos continued with Nyamu walking Wairimu to class, where her elder brother Sam Jnr, who started school in January 2023, awaited her.
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