My father-in-law Jaramogi Oginga Odinga was my greatest teacher who modeled me to the person I’m today, Ida Odinga has said.

Ida said she found a real father in him and his death still hurts till now, 30 years later.

She was speaking in Kisumu during the 30th Anniversary of Jaramogi at Ofafa Hall in Kisumu.

She narrated that she first met Jaramogi 50 years ago and this scared her, being a great man he was.

Ida said ODM leader Raila Odinga who was then her boyfriend took her for a ride in Kisumu but surprisingly ended up in their home.

“I was shocked when he told me we were in their home and was to meet his father. I was not prepared mentally and even in terms of my dress. I almost fainted but I didn’t,” she said.

Ida said that there first meeting went well and even his late father-in-law gave her Sh200 which was a lot of money back then to buy soda on their way back.

“From there, he made quick arrangements for me to get married and until today, I remain the daughter-in-law.”

Ida described Jaramogi as a person who was kind to all of his daughters-in-law, talked to them nicely and would give them gifts every Christmas.

She added that Jaramogi stood with them when things were better and also when they got worse.

“I remember in early 80s when Raila was arrested and charged with treason and sent to Kamiti, I went to Jaramogi and told him but he laughed and told me not to worry such things such as death would not happen,” she said.

Ida added that when she lost her teaching job, the first sacking in 1998, Jaramogi told him not to worry about this because there are so many ways of surviving without employment.

“He trained me how to manage businesses among others which still help me to date,” she said.

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