Senior Council James orengo is the latest high profile lawyer who has responded to President William ruto following his remarks yesterday while in Mount Kenya that he will begin to deal with the judiciary when it comes to matters of projects initiated by administration.
James orengo now joining the long list of senior councils who have rebuked the utterances by the head of state saying that they are unwarranted at this moment now that the judiciary is carrying out its Mandates as required by the constitution.
According to James’ orengo, there are means that President William ruto should use, including the judiciary, if he feels dissatisfied with the judgment that is being made against his projects.
Other leaders who have come out open to castigate the head of state include senior Council Martha karoa together with City lawyer Ahmednasir.
President William ruto has come and sharp criticism from a section of Kenya’s who wanted him to withdraw his utterances that he made yesterday in Nyandarua.