In a Friday,press statement, Police Spokesperson Bruno Shioso said traffic officers across the country have been directed to arrest motorists whose vehicles would be found with the unauthorised LEDs.
The offenders will be charged with contravening Section 55 of the Traffic Act.
The Act says: “No vehicle shall be used on a road unless such vehicle and all parts and equipment thereof, including lights and tyres, comply with the requirements of this Act, and such parts and equipment shall, at all times, be maintained in such a condition that the driving of the vehicle is not likely to be a danger to other users of the road or to persons travelling on the vehicle.”
According to Section 58 (Sub-Section 1) of the Act, offenders found guilty of contravening Section 55 of the law risk spending two years in jail, or a fine of Sh400,000, or both.
The section says: “Any person who drives or uses on a road a vehicle in contravention of the provisions of section 55 or section 56 shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding four hundred thousand [shillings] or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.”
According to police, the LED lights targeted are unlawfully equipped lamps, modified illuminating lights, red lights, opaque rear lights, flashing lights, flickering lights, LED illuminating lights, unauthorised sirens and unauthorised red and blue lights.
The crackdown, which takes effect immediately, also targets motorists who are operating illegally with expired driver’s licenses and insurance stickers.
The dragnet extends to owners of unroadworthy vehicles.