A few hours ago, another land case broke up between two Masai clans that claim to own this land. According to the report, the two Maasai clans are fighting over the ownership of the land where the Ngong- Riruta railway line is being constructed. This railway line was initiated by President William Ruto himself who gave constructors authority to use this land.

Photo courtesy, image used for evidence purposes only.

According to the report, the Keekonyokie clan claims that the land, measuring 1,550 hectares belongs to them and demands the entire railway line project to be stopped until they are consulted. The other clan belongs to Kajiado North who are not bothered by the government contracting the railway line on their land. Their Member of Parliament, Onesimus Ngogoyo wants the government project to continue uninterrupted stating that the Keekonyokie clan is greedy.

Photo courtesy, image used for illustration purposes only.

The government has grabbed this land from these people without compensating them.


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