Thika Town a bustling urban center in Kiambu County has become a hotspot for the sex working industry. Recent research conducted by Castro Media has shed light on the alarming increase in the number of women engaging in this trade. What is particularly disheartening is the fact that older women, who were once excluded from this profession are now joining the industry due to challenging economic times.

A series of interviews conducted with sex workers in Thika Town revealed the underlying reasons for their involvement in this line of work. Contrary to popular belief, many women enter the industry not out of choice but simply as a means to support their families. The high cost of living and limited job opportunities force them to resort to such extreme measures.

Equally unsettling is the rise in the number of university and college girls who are turning to sex work to fund their lavish lifestyles. These young women charge as low as one hundred shillings per person and predominantly operate outside clubs and on the streets. The industry witnesses a surge in activity during weekends and the month of December when people are more willing to spend on entertainment.

Many sex workers in Thika Town choose to operate in private locations away from prying eyes. They do so to protect their identities and avoid the stigma associated with their profession. However, such secrecy also exposes them to various challenges and risks.

One of the major challenges faced by sex workers is being misused or mistreated by clients. Due to the illegal nature of their work sex workers often find themselves in vulnerable situations where their safety is compromised. Additionally, many clients refuse to pay the agreed-upon amount or demand services that were not initially agreed upon. The lack of legal protection makes it difficult for these women to seek justice against these abuses.

Furthermore, working conditions for sex workers in Thika Town are deplorable. They are often forced to work in substandard rooms and face unhygienic conditions, which pose risks to their health and well-being. Despite the industry operating in close proximity to police stations, sex workers are not arrested for simply being outside at night unlike men loitering during prohibited hours. Watch the full video below.

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