Successful individuals are clever, hardworking, and consistent. Most failed individuals share qualities. If we can recognize these tendencies in ourselves, we may potentially shift our life in a better direction.


This guy won’t accomplish anything. Most people fear failure and don’t try new things. Success is impossible without taking chances.


This group may also have trouble making beneficial adjustments. If you give up quickly, you’ll blame everyone in the world for your failure.

People That Constantly Talk About Themselves
Whether we’d want to admit it or not, the most of us have undoubtedly been guilty of this a few times. It is our nature to crave the honor and respect of others, and sometimes we see no other way to get this regard but to impose it onto others. Joseph Smith questioned if the notion of self-aggrandizement is bad and whether we should attempt to make ourselves appear nice to others.

Complaining people.

If you know someone that complains about everything, you can remind them that it’s always better to “go and do instead of sit and stew.” Napoleon Bonaparte had everything that worldly men would naturally crave. It was nothing to him. But then consider Helen Keller who was blind deaf and dumb. She went around saying, “I have found life so beautiful”. And yet those people are happier than they that seem trouble-free and taken care of.


Some individuals have negative self-talk. “I can’t do this” is constantly in their vernacular. That’s self-harm. These folks often establish limits. They’ll say things like, I’ll never operate my own business.

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