Pauline Njoroge has said, Every morning I tell myself how I will sleep early that night. But at 1 am, I will be busy googling… “How does a porcupine get pregnant?”.

My grandfather used to tell me, that a wise man does not sleep the same day he woke up. On the porcupine mating, I was tempted to quote the famous Greek(read the Agikuyu) mythology story, but let it pass for now.

Tell me about it… For almost a month now my sleep schedule has refused to match the Kenyan time, maybe I should move to Switzerland. I feel like it’s now taking a toll on me because I’m now at 0 in terms of energy. I need to sleep for one good day to rest.

A netizen has alleged that a female porcupine spreads it’s ‘arrows well for the male porcupine to find an express way to recreation. I asked JJ, he gave me that answer. God grants sleep to his beloved and you’re his beloved, purpose to get in bed and just sleep. don’t know how easy that is though.

Pauline at 5 pm: Hey Macharia. … (long stories) then ends with today I want to sleep very early. As early as 9 p.m. Pauline at 11 pm (phone rings): hey Macharia. Wanted to ask you something that I observed last week but one!! Pauline Njoroge am I speaking?

By Kenyanews

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