Tito has had it hard with his girlfriend, Becky for the past few days. Ever since he was knocked down by a drunk motorist and he later came to learn that the motorist happens to Becky’s boss, then his heart has never been at ease. This is because Becky habeen denying the claims and stands to it that her boss’s son is innocent. Then came another complication for Tito, Becky’s sister came along and she has openly been disrespecting him. Calling him all manner of names for moving and staying with his girlfriend at her house. And she even dared him to look for his own child rather than be content at raising his girlfriend’s son.
But things raptured when Maureen opened to Tito that Jeff belongs to Junior, the same person who hit him with car. Then Tito became totally irritated. He set off to meet junior and sure enough, junior Confessed to him that Jeff is his son. And Tito was quite heartbroken to learn that Becky kept only him at the dark for all this while. He set to go home, where he stays with Becky but is surprised to find out that they changed the padlock for him.
He then tells Sanchez that he is fed up with Becky, he wants to meetup with her and discuss matters face to face and tell her how much she has degraded him. As they talk, Becky calls him and warns him never to return to her work place again and never to confront her bosses again.
He is very bitter to hear this and demands that they meet at a place where they will discuss issues one on one and pour out their hearts to each other. After the call, Tito tells Sanchez that mama has become difficult “Ameleta Za Ovyo” and that he wants to meet her. Something which makes Sanchez ask him weather he is sure of what he says.
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