Nakuru sex workers marched through downtown of Nakuru in broad daylight demanding respect for their trade and better treatment from the government officers.

According to what was shared on social media, have protested “harassment and brutal attacks” by security personnel and elders from Nyumba Kumi.

Under an umbrella body called Smart Ladies, they said more than 100 commercial sex workers were arrested over the weekend within Nakuru’s Central Business District (CBD) and others at outskirts of the town.

Other areas where a number of women have been harmed are Pipeline and Kikopey. Several cases of sex workers being killed by unknown assailants have also been reported.

County enforcement officer affirm the reports saying that a number of sex workers were arrested at the weekend after complaints that they were a nuisance on streets but denied that he ordered the arrest.

Smart Ladies chair Nyamburaa (not the real name) said at least 5 of the women were seriously injured during operations by county enforcement officers and the police.

“Nyumba Kumi enforcement officers have become ruthless to our girls ama Hata wao Wanataka Kupewa ya bure; they attack and injure them for no reason,” she said.

Nyamburaa further said that if anyone has a complaint against commercial sex workers should raise them with the right authorities for action instead of harassing them for no reason.

“Sex workers have to be obviously serving a certain part of the community, because they aren’t selling to themselves.

They’re actually selling to clients. So why aren’t the clients of even sex works coming out and saying that ‘we get services from them and there’s nothing wrong with it – as long as there are two consenting adults – there’s nothing wrong with it’?” she added.

By Taifaleo

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