The Higher Education Loan Board has this morning sent a message to all students via their official verified Facebook page concerning Higher Education Loan.

The Higher Education Loan Board has informed all students who were not successful that they have a chance to appeal. If you are dissatisfied also with the loan allocation you will be given you can also appeal.

The Higher Education Loan Board has this morning also informed all students who wish to appeal to compel their evidence with the appeal.

You can also be in a position to appeal if you have evidence that your HELB Portal has system errors.

To appeal visit the Higher Education Loan Board website, you can also use the HELB app, you can also use USSD code *642#.

Here is the HELB morning message to all Kenyans;

“Students will have a chance to appeal to the Universities fund/HELB should they be dissatisfied with loan allocation. Compelling evidence will be required to support the request.” The Higher Education Loan Board posted on their official verified Facebook page.

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