The Government of Kenya has served it’s Netizens with some bad news as they declare a penalty of Ksh 10 Million, Ksh 20,000 and Ksh 200,000 to Kenyans who will be caught with the listed items.
This comes as the members of public are facing some hard economic times even though with a hope of some light at the end of the tunnel following the recent promises of the Head of State, President William Ruto of easing the hard times by the end of February this year.
Now as the Gas prices and the cost of refilling the gas cylinders had really increased, the Government through the EPRA official have noted an increase in the illegal selling of some defaced, tampered and bearing illegible writings on the gas cylinders.
Now according to the law, any person found guilty of refilling, trading, or rebranding cylinders without direct consent from the brand owner will be charged a fine of not less than Ksh10 million. Those stocking and offering for sale cylinders that do not meet Kenyan standards attract a fine of Ksh20,000 for each non-conforming cylinder.
“Failure by LPG licensee to comply with the obligations set forth in these regulations will attract a fine of not less than Ksh200,000 for each offense,” reads part of the Act.
By News Hub Creator