Marriage is a legally recognized union between two individuals, typically based on mutual love, commitment, and often accompanied by a ceremony or celebration.

Dr. Victor’s situation is undoubtedly fraught with distrust and betrayal. Discovering that his wife has been secretly adding medicinal concoctions to his food, under the influence of a manipulative pastor, has shattered the foundation of trust in their marriage. While divorce is a significant and life-altering decision, it may be a path to consider when trust has been so deeply compromised.

However, before taking such a drastic step, it’s crucial for Dr. Victor to explore options like open communication, counseling, and therapy to understand the root causes of this situation and whether there is any possibility of rebuilding trust and salvaging their relationship. The well-being of their children and careful consideration of legal and cultural factors in Angola should also weigh heavily in his decision-making process.

“Hi am Dr Victor based in Luanda, Angola. I am a foreigner in Angola, but married to an Angolan wife. I am self-employed, and my wife mostly attends the church service with our children. Her pastor/prophet has poisoned her mind that I have so many girlfriends, which is not true.

Now, the prophet prescribed to her so medicinal concoctions to put in my food, which she accepted and put in my food. One time, I found her red handed putting the staff in my food. She told me she has been doing it for a long time. To cut the story short, I think I should divorce her. I can’t trust her anymore, I am not even eating her food. Should I divorce her or not? “

by: HotnewsSantos

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