Tanzania as a nation has over the years had one of the most established entertainment industry in the region and continent at large.The nation has been host to some top stars who have made huge impacts in their various fields among them being the legendary film star Steve Kanumba.Before his tragic demise in 2012,Kanumba had been in romantic relationships with renowned stars among them being the ones below.
- Wema Sepetu
This beauty queen is a household name in Tanzania’s entertainment industry having rose to fame as an actress.She was among the female film stars who had a good working chemistry with Kanumba having starred with him in various films among them being;White Maria,Red Valentine,A point of no return among others.Their relationship went beyond set and actually dated in real life.
The two film stars courted for a while serving relationship goals to many.Sepetu even got pregnant for the film star twice but aborted the pregnancies with the first being with the actor’s knowledge while the second without his knowledge.Sepetu has in the past celebrated Kanumba’s death anniversaries remembering her former ex partner nostalgically.
- Elizabeth Michael
Second on the list is this renowned social media sensation hailing from Tanzania.Ms Michael rose to fame courtesy of her prowress in acting where she commenced her career as a child actor.Kanumba was very instrumental in Michael’s film career especially during then inception stages.Kanumba dated this beauty queen and had her as his girl before meeting his tragic death.They had a good chemistry both on set and as lovers which made many of their fans love them even more.
by: Favy