Wahome Thuku has said, “Fridah Harriet has traced the step brother. Nation Media mngoje nitawaandikia story you copy paste.”

Nowadays TV stations get news from bloggers just like comedians are getting jokes from meme lords and they want us to watch and support that like its their original ideas. We need brave journalists like Dennis Okari, Allan Namu who used to risk to get legit news which felt like horror movies with thrills and goose bumps.

Amazing. It’s the only way to keep her father’s lineage. The fact that she can now be able to meet her brother will be something great, in as much as things did not turn as expected with news of her fathers death.

More to that, it is important to note that family is a very important union. Parents should strive to ensure that they are able to raise their children well despite their differences.

by: Paulinew

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