An rowdy teenage mob allegedly assaulted Kirinyaga Woman Representative Jane Njeri at a meeting, causing chaos in Kerugoya town. The event occurred when police officers engaged in running bouts with the kids in an attempt to restore order. The altercation disturbed Njeri’s gathering, resulting in stone-throwing and harsh verbal exchanges.
Different media outlets, uploaded a video of the tumultuous incident, showing the heated moments of violence. Njeri accused Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru of arranging the disturbance by sending hooligans in the video. Voices of frustration can be heard amid the turmoil, and Njeri herself has condemned the attackers’ behavior.
Following the incident, Njeri described how she and her colleagues decided to go through town to investigate the situation.Their plan was to investigate the noise and assist a woman who had been harmed. She recalled being besieged by a swarm of motorbike-riding adolescents, which resulted in a dramatic conflict.
Now After Njeri was taken to Nairobi for medical attention, Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi requested that DCI summon Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru to explain what happened on the scene after she was suspected of being behind the incident.
by: Hustlerstar