Vice Chief of Defence Forces Liutenant General Jonah Mwangi Leads in a key event which has also been attended by Director UGNM&M Brigadier Osward Oduor Opiyo and officials representing various government agencies.

The Vice Chief of Defence Forces (VCDF) Lieutenant General Jonah Mwangi is currently hosting the Parliamentary Committee on Sports and Culture at the Uhuru Gardens National Monument and Museum (UGNM&M) in Nairobi.

The visit comes after a recent meeting between the Defence Cabinet Secretary Hon Aden Duale and the committee members, where returning of Kenyan artefacts to the country, guided by the 1970 UNESCO Convention was discussed and agreed.

While engaging the parliamentarians, the VCDF highlighted the importance of the museum stating that it was envisioned as the central repository for Kenya’s rich history and culture.

This he said was for the purpose of enhancing knowledge and the prudent use of resources with a historical value for posterity and prosperity.

General Mwangi further noted that the committee’s visit was timely, and expressed KDF’s commitment to work hand in hand with parliament in ensuring that the facility is up and running and open to the public as soon as possible.

The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Sports and Culture Hon. Daniel Wanyama Sitati, relayed gratitude to KDF management for the achievement of the multi agency project since taking over in 2019.


by: MaquensO

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