Loise Kim is a popular Kikuyu gospel musician and a social media influencer who always stand her ground no matter the implications.

Some hours ago he posted on her Facebook page talking about her mother and how she shaped her to be the good lady she is today. She gave different instances when the mother disciplined her ruthlessly leaving her shocked. The first instance the mother sent her to the market and when she came back late the mother threw dirty water on her as a result of anger.

The second instance she went for a sleep over and when she came back the mother beated her without mercy to a point she was unable to walk. The mother went ahead and Cut all her hair with scissors saying the hair was giving her too much pride to a point she can sleep out for a day.

She therefore said a mother who chooses you will stop at nothing to lead you to greatness. She concluded that a mother will even chase down the road if need to. What is your view on this? Can you compare current mothers with the elders today.

by: Sir.waweru

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