The Thursday morning conversation continued from the 7am topic about mother tongue.
Maina was shocked many Kenyans aren’t fluent in their language asking “from our very early morning topic, there is so much I picked up. Alot of you don’t know your mother tongue. S what are you going to teach your children?”
Mwalimu told him that the blame is with todays mothers “you know why it’s called mother tongue? because it’s the mother who is supposed to teach, these days they don’t teach them so that they don’t shrub”
The accusation shocked Maina who responded “do we understand the importance of your child speaking mother tongue, and ladies of today why don’t you know your mother tongue? maina asked
Mwalimu had a theory about this saying “Hawataki kushrub” Kingangi joked.
“Do you realize what we can lose as a nation? Maina posed, there is something called positive ethnicity”
“Hata hawa wa Kageni academy hawaongei mother tongue” Mwalimu trolled him.
One mother agreed with Kingangi saying “the reason young mums are not teaching their kids mother tongue is because of shrubbing.
The woman admitted she also isn’t fluent “I struggle myself and nowadays the only thing w e care about ni kujua zile za cartoon”