The administration has made every effort to reduce the frequency of Al-Shabaab attacks. In addition, terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of several police officers. The government has also pleaded with all Kenyans to help them by providing information that will enable them to apprehend criminals who abduct and kill innocent people.

According to the source, new details have just emerged about what KDF soldiers are doing in Lamu County. As per the latest updates reaching us this hour and at the same time circulating on social media, it has been revealed that several police officers, including KDF soldiers, have been deployed in the region to trace Al Shabaab militants who killed two officers in the region after the vehicle they were traveling in ran over an improvised explosive device.

Further, some of the terror activities have been reported in the country, and some of the police officers have been killed in the attack.

This just came in after eight police officers lost their lives after the vehicle they were traveling in ran over an explosive in Garissa County a few days ago.

These are bad news to Al Shabaab militants who did the acts as the government has confirmed about tracing them and dealing with them properly.

Let us come together and pray for the families who lost their loved ones in the terror attack in Lamu. It is very unfortunate to lose police officers in these incidents.

All Kenyans are expected to report any suspicious people to the nearest police station to reduce these cases of terror in the country.

Have a blessed day, and remember to sanitize because COVID is here with us.

by: Tabbyfeloh

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