In today’s episode, Sultana is in the hospital and Bi Ua will be aside her. JJ brings Some food to Bi Ua because she has spent the night at the hospital with Sultana.Sultana will wake up after hours of sleep. Bi Ua will be happy and asks her how is feeling and Sultana will be silent.
Sultana heard Kokan’s voice explaining about his burnt face. JJ and Bi Ua will ask Sultana if their something wrong. Sultana asks them if they have seen Kokan and Bi Ua says no. JJ will be surprised how Sultana asked about Kokan and not him.
The doctor on duty will join them and tells Sultana in case of pain to ask for painkillers. Sultana says is fine but only wants to go home and will be coming for checkups. JJ tells Sultana that her operation is critical and can’t leave because she needs some doctor’s attention.
The doctor goes out with JJ and asks him what’s wrong with his wife and why she wants to go home. JJ don’t know and asks the doctor how is possible for Sultana to ask about a man who died months ago. The doctor will be sorry and but as fellow doctor should understand may be Sultana is hallucinating.
Bi Ua calls JJ and tells him not to think so much. JJ can’t believe that out of all of the people, Sultana asks for Kokan. Bi Ua tells him to calm down and not stressed himself and should believe the doctor.
Sultana will call JJ and begs him to sit next to her. Bi Ua asks Sultana if it’s true he heard Kokan. Sultana tells her maybe is the medicine she has be injected that made her mention Kokan. Sultana tells JJ that she loves him so much and can’t wait to see his face because she has struggled following people thinking is him.
by: Chistina0