CCTV footage has proven its worth in proving the innocence of gospel musician Dishon Mirugi. In the incident involving Pastor Elizabeth Wanjiru, who passed away in Mirugi’s house, the musician’s alibi was effectively verified largely thanks to the CCTV that recorded him at the petrol station he visited on the day of the incident.

The detectives working on Elizabeth’s death case made sure to go through every necessary evidence: witness statements, Mpesa transactions, evidence collected at the scene, and of course, the CCTV footage. From these pieces of information, it looks like Chef Mirugi narrowly avoided a deadly fate. The government chemist reportedly said the food given to him by the Pastor was laced with some kind of poison.

Elizabeth’s son revealed that their mother was in an unstable mindset due to a Ksh 1.2 million debt she had yet to clear from people in Nakuru.

However, using available evidence, the detectives were able to reconstruct the event in its entirety. They successully constructed a timeline from 11:00 am, the time Elizabeth arrived at the house, to 2:45 pm, the time the Pastor was found hanging. Added to this, were the two eyewitnesses and the forensic audit of the communication between Mirugi and the deceased.

In summary, the CCTV footage present at the moment turned out to be the critical piece of the puzzle, corroborating the other pieces of evidence and ultimately exonerating Mirugi. This goes to show the significant contribution of technology in such cases. Human Rights Activist Simon Mwangi Muthiora noted this truly remarkable incident in a Facebook post.

by: NewtonGaka

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