The registrar of political parties, Ann Nderitu, declined to confirm the Jubilee Party’s National Delegate Conference (NDC), saying the incomplete processes needed to be corrected before they were sent back for review. review. The Jubilee Party has been the subject of bitter infighting between the two factions, both claiming ownership of the party. One faction is led by Jeremiah Kioni, a former president under Uhuru Kenyatta, while the other is led by Sabina Chege and Kanini Kega.

Following feedback from Ann Nderitu, three major faults were identified during the Jubilee NDC held on May 22, 2023 at Ngong Racecourse. Ann alleges that the attendance report filed with her office lacked an attendee ID number and official name. Ann also claimed that the documents lacked specifications on delegates to their meeting; therefore, the meeting remains void. Ann’s answer also clarified that the minutes of previous party meetings were not recorded correctly.

Nderitu’s new report is like a blow to Uhuru and his accomplices, leading to the risk of losing the party to their opponents. During the NDC, Uhuru expelled angry party leaders including Sabina and Kega.

by: Legendboss

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