Last month Colonel Mustafa hit headlines with Kenyans sympathizing with him over what he was doing.The man who was once a reach musician had turned to mjengo to atleast take care of himself and take care of his mother who is ailing out of cancer.

His mother now narrates that she was not aware of her son’s situation and she learnt that Mustafa was doing mjengo through his brother who disclosed the information to their mother after it went viral on social media.

She says when she was first told that Mustafa does mjengo she thought it was clout chasing and he wanted to release a song only to learn that it’s true her son was struggling to atleast take care of her and himself.His brother also blamed Mustafa for not telling them his situation until it got worse to a point where Kenyans were forced to raise some money for him.

by: Kasupuu254

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