Sonko has gone ahead to state that ‘My machine is dead!’ In regard to that, Sonko did rescue a lady arrested for destroying the boyfriend’s car and TV.

In regard to this, a netizen has gone ahead to allege that, before you actually date her measure the temperature. This is because there are people out there who are really short tempered.

Why would you destroy someone else’s property just because of a cheat?? I don’t see any wrong doing on the part of the man. Just walk away in peace baby gal you’ll find someone better who has genuine feelings towards you.

Another netizen has alleged that, there was no justification for malicious damage,,just walk away..Your intentions of bailing her out are well known to you.

Another went ahead to ask, hass Mike Sonko tried to talk to the man instead of humiliating him. Maybe he could have withdrawn the case.

by: WambuiP

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