Duncan Ratemo could not hold tears as he recounted his traumatic experience of seeing his father committing suicide because of Mpango Wa Kando.

Since his father fell in love with a side chick, Duncan said that his father had seemingly lost his senses. All he thought and cared about was the Mpango Wa Kando girl(side chick). This led to him quarrelling with Duncan’s mother.

She took poison, got admitted at the hospital and later died. This left a huge bill at the hospital that Duncan’s father secured through a quiring a loan, which later led to loss of his motorbike in auctioning after defaulting the loan. He was left without any source of income. The side chick abandoned him due to financial constraints.

Duncan’s father became depressed because he was obsessed with the side chick. He kept on begging her to come back but she refused saying that this family was a family of misfortunes.

Duncan recalls when the father sent out for the side chick saying that if she did not come, he was going to take poison. The side chick replied saying that she did not care.

After the reply, Duncan’s father put poison in a cup, called his son while holding a machete. He warned him against getting close to him. He took poison as his son watched.

Duncan ran outside while screaming for help. Although the neighbors took his father to the hospital, he did not survive. Duncan said that the side chick caused his family to be in chaos and later left.

Duncan was narrating his story at Citizen TV today during Lulu Hassan’s show. What do you think about side chicks and Duncan’s story?

by: Ndunguri


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