Apologies are best offered when one is aware of the mistakes they made and they admit them.They give one peace of mind since we get to let situations go . However some people do not really ask for apologies.In a story published by Tuko news in Facebook famous Frida Kajala is seen apologizing to her daughter Paula.”I am sorry.I feel like I have failed like a mother to you”,Frida told her daughter Paula over past love squabbles.

Behind The Gram’show ,Paula is seen in tears expressing regrets about some of the decisions she made in life which she has unveiled recently.Frida said she is the only person who understood her since she has made many decision which are not good.She even says that some of her daughter’s friends judged her for the mum’s character.Not only does she feel a failed mother but also one who needs a great change.

Paula on the other hand tells her to calm since everyone makes mistakes.She reveals that she is going to get married this year July and refers herself as Mrs Omari.Kajala broke up with Harmonize and reconciled again.However while in Kenya she said she was in a relationship with Kenyan politician.It is good to ask for forgiveness.

by: Pennywriters


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