The most important item you will use are cookies that can be purchased from shops at a very affordable price. The process is quite easy and fast to prepare and cook. Ensure you take the cream out and put it aside to be used later. Pour in a cup of milk and stir to dissolve the powder. Put in the cream removed from the cookies and ensure you mix until the cream dissolves. This will take longer but eventually, you will be done.
Add cooking oil in a thick pan and then put in baking paper. Pour the mixture into the pan and turn on the stove. Put the thick pan to even out the temperature on top of the stove. Next, put the pan with the mixture on top of the other pan and add a lid. Put it aside on low heat for about forty minutes.
Test the cake by using a stick. Penetrate it with a stick and if the stick comes out dry, then it is fully cooked. Wait for it to cool down for some minutes and you will be done. You can decorate it with a little grated chocolate or fruits which is optional.
by: Paulinew