Samidoh Muchoki is a renown Kikuyu Benga musician who has moved from grass to fame through hard work and determination within the shortest period of time. He is married to Eddy Nderitu who is his first wife and Karen Nyamu who is his second wife.

Some hours ago she went with Eddy Nderitu to distribute free food to less fortunate families in Nyandarua county where he comes from. During that time Karen Nyamu was outside the country as a government official since she is a senator and therefore she was not around to accompany them.

After Karen latest post on Instagram one of her followers commented telling her to come back to Kenya and cause chaos since Samidoh went with Eddy to Nyandarua and he should go with her also. Karen replied on this saying Eddy Nderitu is also his wife and having two wives as a man he must handle them that way.

She went ahead and said Samidoh goes with each ot them to Nyandarua and that is the definition of a real man who is her man. What is your view on Karen’s reply.

by: Sir.waweru


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