Most celebs we found their way at the invited guest only ceremony at Windsor, apart from Mungai Eve every one dressed for the occasion to their maximum best to impress and look gorgeous as they witnessed Akothee go down the aisle for the 7th time.

For the citizen news caster Lillian Muli, things were similar, the Queen was queening, the kamba Bae off the cameras in studio was all sumptuous and gorgeous.

In a green like outfit with a thigh slit like many who attended the occasion (Diana B, Kabuvsd Wife, Pierra Makena, Mwakideu & Chris’s Wives) but hers was sligh to the knee, Muli dazzled out and matched the occasion level of lavishness and Slaysness. she wishes Akothe all the best as she Embarks in her new love life journey, thanking the camera personels for capturing the moment



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