Kenyans have been having different opinions concerning the Hustler’s Fund since it was launched by President Ruto. Some have faulting President Ruto for lying to Kenyans about interests. Others have lauded the President for thinking about the Hustlers who make up the largest population of the country.
One thing that have stood out of Hustler’s Fund is the source of the money given to Kenyans. There is no clear source of funds that the government has given to Kenyans concerning where the money is drawn. There has been a narrative that the money is got from the government while others have said that it is provided by private individuals.
According to Cooperative and MSME’s CS Simon Chelugui, the Hustler’s Fund is being run by the government and not private companies. The statement by Chelugui is different from what Kenyans were earlier told by David Ndii who is one of Ruto’s advisors on matters economy.
“Hustler’s Fund is being overseen by the government and not by private companies. We are working with approved banks such as Family, Cooperative and KCB,” Chelugui has said.
About a month ago Ndii said, “the Hustler’s Fund is run by the private sector and we have no access to it. No public official has access to the funds. It is fully automated and run by an engine provided by the telcos”.
This now points to two things; there is no clear outline of how Hustler’s Fund operate. If not that then one of these individuals is lying to Kenyans.
by: OpijaRaduk