Saying that trust is an important part of relationship is hardly a hot take, but despite this being something we know, it’s sometimes harder to actually practice it in real life. It’s normal to struggle to trust, or have relationships with, people who either haven’t earned or have lost our trust. That’s because trust can be a lot more complicated than it seems.

In 2021 Kabi Wajesus of the Wajesus family made airwaves on all social media platforms regarding paternity claims when a source, who happens to be Kabi’s cousin exposed him for allegedly neglecting his seven year old daughter, Abby to blogger Edgar Obare on his instastories.

This whole drama of Kabi siring baby Abby with his cousin brought a twists and turns in the Wajesus paradise. Speaking on their YouTube channel dubbed ‘Wajesus Family’ Peter Kabi alias Kabi Wajesus and Millicent Wambui alias Milly Wajesus had a candid conversation with their fans about their marriage. Kabi Wajesus revealed that Milly lost trust in him. She is ever worried about what he is up to when they are not together.

“Mimi hufeel nikama ulichange. Kuna scandals fulani zilikam kwa life nikaona nikama maybe unataka sasa kujua exactly everything. Kuna ka honesty fulani kalikutoka; ka trust. Nafeel nikama tangu hio drama iktokee unatakanga kuskia vizuri kila kitu. Nakwambia nilikuwa mahali fulani you feel like I need to tell you the whole truth every time. That’s what I feel”

Milly added that trust is given. When a person displays being unworthy they question their trust.

“Trust is earned. You have heard secrets in your past. I don’t have secrets that can affect you me I have my own personal secrets.”

by: 24hrsnewsblog


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