Using Huduma to address Kenya, the Kenyan government has ordered all Kenyan nationals who deposited money in bank accounts more than five years ago but unintentionally forgot about the bank deposit to visit any Huduma Center strategically located within the Kenyan city of Nairobi today, March 7, 2023.
The Kenyan government has directed residents to visit one of the Huduma Centers in Nairobi to determine whether the money deposited is still in the bank account or has been confiscated by the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority of Kenya.
“Pesa uliweka kwa bank na ukasahau over 5 years ago, labda ziko under UFAA Kenya! Unaweza kuwa umeomoka na haujui; to find out, go to any Nairobi Huduma Center or any Huduma Centre cyber cafe countrywide “The government declared.
by: imerisha