There are many perks that come with being a famous celebrity, like access to nutritionists, trainers, and the best fashion designers.

Unlike everyday people, celebs are able to hire a multitude of people that will be able to handle their mundane tasks while they focus on being the greatest entertainer. Normal daily activities like cooking may be contracted out by famous people who either have no time to cook or would just rather have a specialty chef cook their food.

So many celebrities probably opt out for the latter because food just tastes better when a professional chef makes it.

Diana Marua wife to singer Kevin Bahati is a digital content creator, influencer, a former reality TV star and now a rapper. Diana is like so many working mothers out there trying to juggle multiple responsibilities while wearing several hats.

Despite having three nannies who we frequently get to see on her YouTube channel, the mum of three revealed on her Instastories that she doesn’t allow them to cook for her husband.

“Hubby can’t eat food made by our nannies…. lazima nijipange vile nitampikia. Wives cook for your husband. You can’t be too busy for himā¤.”

Diana Marua is one of the people known to have the best relationship with her nannies and other employees. They always praise her for being kind hearted and accomodating to everyone. None of her workers has ever complained of being mistreated or handled with contempt.

Since she is a content creator, Diana has involved her nannies in several of her vlogs. Because of her one of her nannies called Irene became Aerial’s brand ambassador and acquired a new phone from Raha Premium Kavagara maize meal flour company to record videos of advertising their product.

by: 24hrsnewsblog


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