Catherine Kamau aka Kate Actress has not only been entertaining her fans with her hilarious Instagram videos but also through her Youtube channel.
The mother of two who hit the headlines with her role as Celina in the local drama series ‘Mother-In-Law’ has also been motivating her 1.6 M followers on Instagram.
‘I cried from Uganda to Nairobi,’ Kate Actress’ worst heartbreak
Here are 10 quotes from the star that will keep you motivated all week long;
1.You are what and Who you think you are ! Ask me I know ! I speak so highly of myself , to myself ,do I have moments when I feel shitty ?yes ! And it’s normal , I just don’t dwell on those moments . Power of the mind ! Think IT, BE IT!

  1. You deserve the love you give out so freely to other people . You are precious ❤️❤️❤️
  2. Above all things may you grant me wisdom and Humility to handle greater things that you have prepared for me dear lord .Amen ?
  3. Basking under pressure ! Yeah , that’s me ?…. If you didn’t win today kesho pia ni siku . alamsiki ?❤️
  4. Be you . You are Good enough if not Perfect sweetheart.
  5. Because the dreams don’t do the chasing sweetheart. You gotta do the work !
  6. I have always been under estimated , and I love it , you lay low then strike when they least expect
  7. Wacha pressure , Your time is coming ,just do your part dear ,God will do the rest . But you must have a Dream , then focus all your energy on that , the person you want to be ? when you don’t have a Dream or Goals , you are easily distracted. may the hustle reward you . May the universe conspire in your favor .
  8. Spread that Good Energy…Become that little sunshine ? . Today was a fantastic day,if it wasn’t for you usi tense , kesho pia ni siku . inshallah ?
  9. Oh! the many times I have fallen , but I never stay down , I believe in me and my potential So I keep walking ??.. may God bless my hustle always.


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