A woman who has been drawing a monthly allowance from her husband, wanted it increased and had to go the route professionals do with their bosses.
Her husband told her to write an email requesting for the upkeep to be increased with reasons why she wants more money.
The email is below and I am blown away.
She defended her points with facts, used complex sentences and communicated with clarity. Kudos to her.
The husband cheekily shared that
“My wife requested an increase for her monthly upkeep. So I asked her to send a formal letter. See attached her letter and my response”
salary increment letter
Wife begs husband for allowance
He responded to her email. The Nigerian couple live in Canada and the man shared the emails on his Twitter account @ife_Akintunde.
His bio says he is a PR professional and International education consultant. He shared the private email after seeing another woman say she was made to write an email and make a presentation to her husband detailing why she needs a business loan.